
Early Music America
A fresh and invigorating approach. . . . Cut Circle compels you to listen to these works as though for the first time, creating an almost visual—and visceral—experience. . . . May another Josquin album be quick on this one's heels.
Gloriously invigorating . . . presented with precision, personality, individuality, and yet also an attractive sense of intimacy.
Joyfully nuanced . . . delightfully clear. . . . It's hard not to dance . . . stunning . . . mesmeric . . . . Cut Circle's superb energy is quite addictive.
Early Music America
There is no room here for error, but, fortunately, we never hear one. The singers all exhibit an amazing sense of control; in lesser hands, or lungs, these works would run out of steam halfway through, but the breath, tone, and phrasing are superb.
Crescendo Magazine
Astonishing virtuosity—absolute accuracy, infallible rhythmic precision, and a perfect balance of voices . . . performances . . . striking for their naturalness and . . . vocal beauty . . . life emerges from each note . . . exceptionally high-quality interpretations of rich and complex polyphony . . . a permanent enchantment for the listener. Sound 10 - Booklet 10 - Repertoire 10 - Interpretation 10 – "Joker"
Early Music America
The opening syllable is . . . a collective wail of grief that . . . invites, even demands, the listener to participate. The closely miked ambience, the sparse use of vibrato, and the [full texting] . . . draw the listener further into this intimately personal space.
Giornale della musica (Italy)
Radically different . . . [Cut Circle] challenges the predominant sonic aesthetic.